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   1. MIS Overview

    1.1 功能简介
    1.1  Functions


    The Management Information System (MIS) is guided by the principle of planning a corporation’s resources, and aims to unify the flow of funds, information, work and materials in a power station. It puts all the information on the same platform, establishing a modern plant production management system that is based on equipment and logistics management and with ERP function.

    1.2 系统优点:
    1.2 Advantages:

     1.2.1 提高了企业核心竞争力
     1.2.1 Improving competitiveness

     Full application of MIS shortens time spent on solving problems, reduces operating costs, and increases efficiency.

     1.2.2 业务流程规范与知识共享
     1.2.2 Standardized operating flow and knowledge sharing


     MIS creates standardized working processes based on equipment operation and maintenance involving information related to operation, maintenance, planning, finance, logistics, project management, and files. A complete and standardized working mode involving prior planning, control, and post-event report and analysis. It performs experience accumulation and knowledge sharing.

     1.2.3 价值体现
     1.2.3 Value realization

     提高办公效率 50%  increases working efficiency by 50%
     减少设备停机时间 10-20% reduces equipment shutdown time by 10-20%
     提高设备可靠性 20-30%  increases equipment reliability by 20-30%
     提高维修效率 10-70%  increases maintenance efficiency by 10-70%
     降低库存成本 10-25% reduces stock holding costs by 10-25%
     延长设备生命周期 10% extends equipment service life by 10%
     备品、备件库存准确率达到95% accuracy of spare parts stocks reaches to 95% 
     降低维护费用20-60% reduces maintenance costs by 20-60%

     1.2.4 帮助企业实现总体商业目标:
     1.2.4 Assistance in realization of commercial targets

     摸清和跟踪公司的资产状况 follows and traces assets
     降低设备故障率 reduces equipment failure rate
     降低非计划停机时间 reduces unplanned outage time
     降低维修运行成本reduces maintenance costs 
     提高设备可靠性improves equipment reliability
     提高对备品备件供应商的管理 enhances management of spare parts suppliers
     提高质量、健康、安全、环保管理水平 improves management skills relating to quality, health, safety and environmental    protection
     提高总体效率 improves general efficiency

    1.3 系统特点:
    1.3 Features

     1.3.1 完成电厂安全生产信息,分类统计上报,为综合分析及经济指标提供可靠的基础数据。
     1.3.1 MIS collates power generation safety information and classifies and reports it to provide base data for overall analysis and economic indices.

     1.3.2 对于电厂设备管理及技术改造信息的要进行、分类统计、提高设备完好水平,尽可能缩短设备大小修项目所需时间,减低检修费用,提高机组的等效可用系数,加强设备检修人员的考核,促进企业生产水平的提高。
     1.3.2 It analyzes, classifies and calculates information relating to plant management and technological upgrades for improving equipment completeness. It shortens times required for equipment repairing and overhaul and reduces maintenance costs, improving unit availability. It enhances evaluation of maintenance personnel, thus increasing the plant production quality level.

     1.3.3 加强计划管理,提高预测水平,运用先进的模型和方法,优化方案选择,辅助级领导决策。
     1.3.3 It enhances planning management and improves prediction skills. It uses advanced models and methods and provides optimized solutions to assist management with decision-making.

     1.3.4 反映财务、人事劳资、物资供应、燃料管理及职工培训信息,掌握经营动态,优化经营管理,提高工作效率和经济效益。
     1.3.4 It presents information about finance, human resources, payroll, material supply, fuel management and employees training, allowing users to understand state of operations, optimize management, and improve working and economic efficiency.

     1.3.5 提供现代化办公手段,提高办公效率,利用计算机及其网络功能提供信息服务,辅助生产管理,提供信息管理,促进多种经营增收。
     1.3.5 It provides modern methods for handling office business. It takes advantage of computers and the Internet for information service provision and assisting in production management. It has information management to promote multiple operations.

     1.3.6 将现有机组监测系统的在线生产信息纳入管理信息系统,提供机组运行状况及部分统计数据,完善生产统计系统,实现统计数据报表自动生成。
     1.3.6 It incorporates on-line production information from supervisory system of existing units into MIS and provides unit operation data and partial statistical data to perfect the production statistical system and to automatically produce the statistical data reports.

     1.3.7 提供综合信息服务及部分辅助预测和决策的信息服务。为企业的高层领导提供综合信息服务,并提供部分辅助预测和决策的信息服务。
     1.3.7 It provides integrated information services and partial assistant predication and decision making services for senior management.

   二 MIS系统的维护、培训及售后服务

   2.Maintenance, Training and After-sale Services

    2.1 维护
    2.1 Maintenance

     2.1.1 在制度建设方面,出台一些有利于MIS系统稳定运行的规章制度和考核标准
     2.1.1 Regarding system establishment, regulatory systems and evaluation standards should be drawn up which benefit the stable operation of MIS.

     2.1.2 定期对计算机网络、计算机设备进行维护。
     2.1.2 Scheduled maintenance should regularly be carried on the computer network and computer devices.

     2.1.3 对不符合MIS系统流程、规章制度进行必要重组、修订。 
     2.1.3 Rules and processes which fail to comply with MIS requirements should be re-arranged or modified.

     2.1.4 必须定期或不定期对相关人员进行MIS知识培训。
     2.1.4 Personnel associated with MIS must be trained periodically or when necessary.

     2.1.5 设立严格的的权限管理,应用有效的技术手段和管理措施防止计算机病毒对系统的侵害、防止数据被非法窃取。
     2.1.5 Strict entry authorization should be established. Effective technical procedures and management measures should be applied to prevent the system from being invaded and prevent data from being accessed illegally.

     2.1.6 制定有效数据备份制度,并定期进行备份数据安全检查。 
     2.1.6 An effective data backup system should be drawn up and periodically inspected for safety. 

     2.1.7 配置专业计算机管理人员,并单进行培训和考核。
     2.1.7 Professional computer management personnel should be assigned to the system, and they should be trained and evaluated individually.

     2.1.8 对软件故障描述进行分类,并进行分析和总结。
     2.1.8 Fault descriptions of the software and analytical conclusions should be carried out.

     2.1.9 如果需要由软件工程师远程进行必要协助。
     2.1.9 Software engineers should be contacted for remote assistance if necessary.

    2.2 培训
    2.2 Training

    Provide software operation instructions in English and give corresponding training both on application operations and administrators.
    Operator training: training for standard operators covers professional knowledge of system usage.
    Administrator training: training for system administrators covers professional maintenance knowledge of MIS and fault handling.

    2.3 售后服务
    2.3 After-sale services

     2.3.1 软件系统整体验收合格后的质保期为一年,在质保期期间提供免费技术支持.
     2.3.1 The warranty period of software system is one year after it passes the overall acceptance. There is free technical support during the warrranty period.

     2.3.2 当应用软件发生问题之后,用户需要了解故障现象,并在《应用软件故障登记单》上进行记录,同时做好故障隔离、定性工作。在质保期期间免费给用户提交解决方案。
     2.3.2. When a software fault occurs, the users need to understand the nature of the fault and record it in the Applications Failure Log as well as taking fault isolation and characterization measures. Solutions are provided to users for free within the warranty period.

     2.3.3 当工程师到达现场后,根据维护人员提供的《应用软件故障登记单》对故障进行分析,根据故障级别,选择不同服务策略,服务结束后进行检测,并定期对问题进行跟踪。
     2.3.3 The engineer, after arriving on Site, should analyze the fault(s) on the basis of the Applications Failure Logs provided by the maintenance personnel and select appropriate service strategies according to the fault class. Confirmation should be carried out after the fault is repaired and the problem tracked regularly.

   3.Equipment and spare parts

    3.1. MIS系统所服务设备涵盖电厂所有主设备、辅机设备,针对这些设备提供基础资料录入功能、设备运行信息、设备维护过程、设备备品备件等管理服务。
    3.1. MIS covers all of the main and auxiliary equipment in the plant. As such, it provides management services relating to basic information entry function, equipment operation information, equipment maintenance processes and equipment spare parts.

    3.2 MIS系统运行需要硬件设备和软件两部分,硬件包括:中心交换机、二级交换机、数据库服务器、备份服务器、WEB应用服务器、客户端、打印机、扫描仪、网络设备。软件包括:MIS应用软件、数据库软件、操作系统软件、Microsoft OFFICE 办公套件,备份软件等。
    3.2 The operation of MIS system relies on hardware equipment and software. The hardware includes: central exchanger, secondary exchanger, data base server, backup server, WEB application server, users end, printer, scanner, and network equipment. Software includes: MIS application software, database software, operation system software, Microsoft office suite and backup software.

    3.3 通过MIS系统中的备品备件管理模块,可以对电厂所有设备的备品备件进行管理,包括备件清册、备件状况、备品备件库存等。本系统只提供备品备件的信息管理功能,备品备件清单由电厂工作人员根据电厂实际情况将相关备品备件资料录入系统中。
    3.3 Spare part management block in MIS system can manage the spare parts of all equipment in power plant on registration, status and storage of spare parts. This system provides solely on information management function to spare parts, and the spare parts list is input into the system by power plant personnel taking the practical condition of power plant as basis.

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